Nature: coming home to what you know.
A mindfulness retreat at Johnson’s Landing
Come to this week long retreat and reconnect to your body and nature.
Daily life often disconnects us from our bodies and nature. On this retreat you'll coming home to your physical self. You’ll deepen the subtle and elegant practice of grounding in the body.
Once relaxed and connected to yourself, you’ll open to the lovingkindness of nature. You’ll abide in the joy we receive from nature, and the love we give to nature. Weather permitting, some of the group meditations will take place outside.
Next, you’ll turn this "nature appreciation" towards your inner life. The vibrancy and resilience of nature can support your practice of turning inwards. Infused with nature’s lovingkindness, you’ll turn your mindfulness to your inner experience. You’ll deepen your Dharma wisdom by watching the ebb and flow of your inner life with ease and contentment.
By the end, we hope you’ll feel at ease with the changing flow of reality, and your appreciation of harmony within yourself and nature.
This retreat will alternate between sitting meditation and walking meditation. There will be instructions and guided practice in the mornings and opportunities to talk with the teacher about your practice. Dharma talks will include information on several practices including concentration, Lovingkindness, nature and mindfulness, mindfulness and impermanence, suffering, and not-self.
Dharma practice and insight can change the way you see and interact with the world. This retreat is an opportunity for experienced practitioners to deepen their practice and for new meditators to understand the Dharma in a practical way.
Saturday August 24, 2019 ending on Sunday afternoon August 30, 2019.
2240 Kootenay Joe Rd.
Johnson's Landing, BC
V0G 1M0
Johnson's Landing overlooks Kootenay Lake in British Columbia. It is one hour away from Kaslo and two hours away from Nelson. For more information about Johnson's Landing Retreat Center and to register, click here.
The fees for accommodations and meals range from $480-$810 depending on your choice of accommodations. Dana (donation) to the instructor is graciously accepted.
To register or find out more about Johnson's Landing, click here.
To find out more about the retreat from James, email or call him directly.